Lori is a 50-something empty nester who recently moved into her daughter’s nest. (Hashtag: SoundsLikeASitcom)
She has downsized a time or two over the years, and the challenges of decluttering, organizing, and decorating a smaller space are the inspiration for this website.
She loves making a house a home and her dream is to one day downsize to a travel trailer and see every beautiful place she can drive to.
Rachael is a new home owner and, like her mom, enjoys making her home cozy and comfortable. She also enjoys the role switch whereby her mother pays HER rent and also that she can tell her mom to clean her room.
See? Sitcom.
But seriously, Hi Impact, together we’re a pretty good idea team. And we want to be a resource for you to make your small space comfortable and beautiful too.
This is our space to gather small space decorating tips and furniture ideas and bring them here for you to browse, including all the latest products and trends that help make living small easier.
And we throw in some dorky humor just to mix it up a little.
We hope you enjoy our posts and ideas. Follow us on Facebook and Pinterest for more inspiration!